Sunday, July 24, 2016

2D Plain/layer Shift Game Play Mechanics

2D Plain/layer Shift Game Play Mechanics

Hi there,

I am a seasoned C/C++/C# programmer who wants to try out knew things, but never made a game before.
I am playing around with different ideas and game engines for a while now and made some bits as proof of concept to find the game I really want to make.

One thing that bugs me is how to make a plain shift effect as seen in Xeodrifter in this video here: The hero sprite is jumping then switches to the background plain to work up his way *and switching back to the foreground to get along.)

I would like to know, if and how it is possible to achieve the same 2D plain/layer shift game play mechanics with a common game engine like melonJS/HTL5/JS, cococs2dx, or Unity3D (this are the engines I have tried so far) tile based game (e.g. using Tiled, this is the only tile editor I know until now)?
Or would game mechanics like this require to make your own engine?

Best, wp81

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