Saturday, July 30, 2016

Projects For Learning Android Game Development With Android Studio

Projects For Learning Android Game Development With Android Studio



So, recently I just shifted my attention towards the android platform and have started learning it.

I decided to use Android Studio and so went through some part of the official training at


I now have a basic idea of how android development works, but when I got a bit further in the training, I found that I am not getting any examples to work upon, as I continue. So, I thought that the better way would be to work on projects, increasing the level of difficulty ( level of Android APIs involved? ) as I move ahead. In this way, I can refer to the relevant topics in the documentation myself, and even get the experience of developing on android.


Hence, can any of you give me a short ordered project list or some abstract path to follow? So that I can first learn the fundamental parts of android app development in general and then focus upon android game development mainly.


I took a look at but found out that it doesn't provide any order to follow. I think, I'll use this once I'm off the beginner stage and just want to practice.


My Background: I know how to program in Java, C, C++, etc. and have made some games in C++/SDL, HTML5.

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