Monday, July 25, 2016

D3D11_Create_Device_Debug Question

D3D11_Create_Device_Debug Question
Hi Guys,

I have enabled the D3D11 debug device and am running my project in debug mode.

My project is working well and operating as expected. Although I am not seeing any DX11 debug information or warning messages.

#ifdef _DEBUG
        creationFlags |= D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG;

        unsigned int driver = 0;

        for (driver = 0;driver < totalDriverTypes; ++driver)
                D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL d3dFeatureLevel;
                result = D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(0, driverTypes[driver], 0, creationFlags, featureLevels, totalFeatureLevels, D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &swapChainDesc, &d3dSwapChain, &d3dDevice, &d3dFeatureLevel, &d3dContext);
                if (SUCCEEDED(result))
So, either my programming is absolutely flawless (unlikely) or I am missing something.

Any advice is always appreciated.

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